Learn About 5 Types of Gynecologic Cancer
Here’s what to know about five types of gynecologic cancers that can affect women and people assigned female at birth
Here’s what to know about five types of gynecologic cancers that can affect women and people assigned female at birth
Learn the facts about your pelvic floor and how to strengthen pelvic floor muscles
My pelvic organ prolapse was a sign of something much deeper and I’m stronger today because of it
What is bacterial vaginosis? Learn about the risk factors, symptoms and how it’s treated.
But it doesn't have to be. Check out these products that provide relief for genitourinary syndrome of menopause (also known as vaginal atrophy).
We talked with the waves-making urologist about estrogen, what really causes UTIs and more
From hormones to UTIs, the lab tests can come to you thanks to these innovations by women
Use our quick reference guide to identify common vaginal conditions
Lots of things can cause a feeling of heaviness in your pelvic area. Learn the most common causes — and when you should seek medical attention
Es normal para las mujeres notar cambios de las secreciones vaginales en momentos diferentes
It’s normal for women to notice changes in vaginal discharge at different times
The vagina is a hardworking organ in its own right, with its own ecosystem
What happens when you just can’t shake a yeast infection?
Here are some tips to find relief
Why aren’t women who are undergoing painful GYN procedures routinely offered pain management?
If your vagina won't let anything in, you're not broken. You may have vaginismus. Read what you can do to help.
You may be taking opioids unnecessarily. A conversation with your doctors on your pain management options can help.
Learn what to consider when it comes to pain management options
This condition can be embarrassing and intrusive, but it can be treated
Unlike breast cancer, cervical cancer may not be a female disease you hear about every day. However, both cervical cancer and the virus that causes most cases of cervical cancer—HPV—are prevalent and worth every woman's attention. READ MORE
What you need to know about keeping your gut and vaginal microbiomes in balance.
I thought there was something wrong with my plus-sized female body, until I learned I wasn't alone in my struggle with chronic yeast.