What Our Clever Girls Are Saying

The progress that I have made so far is amazing. I have saved over $10,000 and caught up on my bills. I've even created my own wealth plan for my family based on what I've learned. I will soon be saving for my kids' college. I enjoyed the courses so much I shared it with all my friends. That's how much I believe in Clever Girl Finance - it has helped me figure out how to use my money correctly and also helped me with my money mindset. Clever Girl Finance has truly transformed how I deal with and feel about money.


Clever Girl Finance has been so helpful. I have learned to give each dollar a job. I have saved an additional $600 on top of my savings goal and I have not had to touch that account. I planned my son's first birthday and I was able to include it in my budget - no other bills or obligations have suffered!


THANK YOU for starting me on a path towards financial literacy. The resources helped me to build a profitable side hustle (I've made an extra $20k in six months) and I've paid off four credit cards!


I'm really emotional right now. I’m reviewing my progress with Clever Girl Finance and even with all the curveballs in my life, I’ve been able to pay off over $7,000 in debt!


I have a financial win that I've worked on for a while, and I attribute my success to the Clever Girl Finance platform. Since joining Clever Girl Finance, I have paid nearly $10,000 in credit card debt and I'm finally credit card debt free! It hasn't been easy, but this community has helped stay focused and motivated.


I have gotten to the point where payday doesn’t burn a hole in my purse! I got paid early and I am already paying priorities over wants. It took a long time to get here but I’m here!


Last year I was able to save the most I have ever saved all my life! It was like a dream, seeing my savings increase month after month. Although there were times I slipped up, Clever Girl Finance helped me create new habits when it comes to my finances.


It has been quite a journey! I have really overcome some mental and psychological money mindset issues that Clever Girl Finance has helped talk me through and given me solutions for. I feel so refreshed when it comes to money. And the books in Clever Girl Finance book club - LOVE! I get so excited talking about this stuff now!


I just wanted to let you know I’ve tried all the things and all the ways to save money and change my spending habits, I’ve never gotten into deep debt but have had some high credit card bills ($10k) and then had to struggle to pay them off and save. I followed your tips and advice and have been able to pay off one of my cards in just 2 months and I still have a nice amount ($3k) in my savings. I have 1 more card to go ($3k) and I should be able to pay that one in full by the end of the month! Thank you so much for your tips! This has been life-changing for me!


I had not worked for over 30 years, my budgeting skills were not existent and I was behind in everything even though I have been employed for over 4 years. This was a life-changing decision. To date, I have almost $4,000 in savings which I never had before. I feel confident in the financial decisions I am making. Clever Girl Finance has changed my life in more ways than just finance but the finance part Is the BEST! I have hope for the future now!


"I'm a ball of emotions right now...As I prepare to celebrate my anniversary I cannot help but reflect back on last year's vacation that was SOLELY financed with payday loans. Now my bills are all caught up and I have peace of mind!"


Thank goodness for Clever Girl Finance. I have felt overwhelmed and insecure about my financial situation in the past. I've been here 3 weeks and I can already see the difference in my behavior. Thank you to everyone for sharing in the community - I learn something new everyday and it reminds me that I have to do something. Keep on pushing ladies we are going to make it!


You guys! I’m so proud of my achievement! This is the first time I’ve saved this much money! I have reached 90% of my first savings milestone!


I just wanted to come through and say YOUR EFFORTS WILL PAY OFF TRUST THE PROCESS! I joined the community one year ago with $14,000 in credit card debt and I am down to $3,000 and on track to pay it off by this spring!


I am super grateful to have come across Clever Girl Finance. You can't imagine what being here has done for me. I was in debt and tired of living from one paycheck to another. I've followed every tip to get rid of my debt and I can now tell you I've paid off my credit cards!


I'm on week 8 of my saving challenge and haven't withdrawn a penny! This is a big win for me! Once I finish the challenge, I plan to put all the money towards my student loans and then restart the challenge!


Since joining the Clever Girl Finance community, I have paid off 3 credit cards, 2 loans and saved over $5,000.

Wow, I did it!


Yes, yes and YES! I am on track with savings challenge. I have prioritized my debt repayment, and I can now add an extra payment to one card to get it paid off quicker.


I have gotten to the point where payday doesn’t burn a hole in my purse! I got paid early and I am already paying priorities over wants. It took a long time to get here but I’m here!


I nailed my 1st no spend challenge, and I got an unexpected check in the mail today. Normally, my immediate thought is "Sweet, extra money for me to buy something fun" BUT my first thought as a fledgling Clever Girl was “I have something extra to deposit in my savings!” This is fun!


Pay off debt, save more money and build real wealth with our 30+ free courses!

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