Republishing Policy

Guidelines for Sharing and Republishing HealthyWomen Content
Like something you've read on HealthyWomen so much that you'd like to republish it? Great! We love to share.

Here's how to make it happen:

Social sharing: Please share our stories and videos through social media—and tag us so that we see it! On Twitter and Facebook, we're @healthywomen, while on Instagram you'll find us at @healthywomenorg.

Article summaries: Feel free to publish a summary of a HealthyWomen story or video, but please link to the full piece. And if you include our social media handle, we'll help spread the love.

Full articles on the web: Please contact us if you'd like to reprint any full HealthyWomen article at
If you are the author and would like to reuse or repurpose your article, please abide by our Content Attribution Policy below—and do the following:

  • Wait two weeks following publication on HealthyWomen to re-post your article.
  • Include a canonical tag to the article so HealthyWomen is noted as the original source: <link rel="canonical" href="URL OF BLOG POST"> (or use an appropriate plugin).

Content Attribution Policy: For summaries, social sharing, reprints and videos and custom images, we ask that you adhere to the following guidelines.

1) Cite HealthyWomen as the original source.

2) Link to the original article on

  • Article/blog post summaries and print articles: Link to the URL of the original article.
  • Embedded custom infographics, video and memes: Embed the original infographic, video or presentation using the provided embed code.
  • Note: Our images are licensed only to be used on our site.

Translation of articles: You are welcome to translate one article from HealthyWomen into another language. If you would like to translate additional articles, please email us at

Republishing Content Terms: HealthyWomen is always on the hunt for great content to share with our readers. When our editors find a great story, they will reach out to its writer and/or the site where it was originally published to gain written permission first. If approved, HealthyWomen will publish the article with the author's byline and if requested, a link back to the original story as well as any other necessary links. HealthyWomen will attempt in all good faith to abide by all trademarks and copyrights related to the original piece. HealthyWomen reserves the right to edit any article for publication on our site. Stories that appear on HealthyWomen may also be syndicated globally onto our partner platforms.

Last Updated: May 13, 2020

HealthyWomen content is for informational purposes only. Please consult your healthcare provider for medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
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