BRCA Testing 101
BRCA gene mutations can increase your risk of breast and other cancers. Should you get tested for them?
BRCA gene mutations can increase your risk of breast and other cancers. Should you get tested for them?
Las mutaciones genéticas BRCA pueden incrementar tu riesgo de cáncer de mama y de otros tipos. ¿Deberías hacerte pruebas para saberlo?
Doctors told me there was just one way to treat my breast cancer. But with my complex medical condition, I knew I’d have to forge my own path.
Los doctores me dijeron que solo había una forma de tratar mi cáncer de mama. Pero con mi trastorno médico complejo, sabía que debía tomar mis propias decisiones.
My breast cancer surgeon missed a red flag, and I’ll always wonder if that changed everything
On this episode of WomenTalk, we'll be discussing all things breast cancer.
What are the stages of breast cancer? And what does the stage mean for prognosis and treatment? Here’s what you need to know.
Watch this video to learn why it’s important to know your family history so you can manage your breast cancer risk
Fundraising and advocating for research puts hope within my reach
About 1 in 8 women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in their lifetime. Take our quiz to see how much you know about this common disease.
A metastatic breast cancer diagnosis is life-changing. Watch this video to learn about supports that are available to improve your quality of life.
If you’re one of the many women who put off breast cancer screening during the pandemic, now’s the time to make an appointment
As a young mom and recent immigrant to the United States, I thought my life was moving and changing quickly — but cancer was moving even faster
Puesto que era una mamá joven y que había inmigrado recientemente a Estados Unidos, pensaba que mi vida se movía y cambiaba rápidamente; sin embargo,el cáncer estaba avanzando aún más velozmente
Learn about social determinants of health and how they apply to breast cancer
Obtén información acerca de los determinantes sociales de la salud y cómo estos aplican en lo que se refiere al cáncer de mama
Increasing diversity in cancer clinical trials can help the fight against cancer disparities
Incrementar la diversidad en los ensayos clínicos de cáncer puede ser útil para la lucha contra las desigualdades de cáncer
Satellite breast centers, mobile mammography and same-day biopsies are making it easier for women to get breast care
Centros satelitales de atención mamaria, mamografías móviles y biopsias con resultados para el mismo día están haciendo que las mujeres puedan obtener atención mamaria más fácilmente
Kristen Zarfos, M.D., FACS answers questions about the emotional effects of advanced breast cancer and much more
Find out more about the most innovative treatments for stage 4 breast cancer — and how they’re affecting patients with the disease
Not sure what to expect during your first mammogram? Watch this video to find out.
Understanding your breasts and how to keep them healthy requires knowing the language.