13 Personal Finance Books By Black Women

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Books by black women

When it comes to personal finance education, representation matters. That’s why we’ve put together a comprehensive list of must-read personal finance books by black women. With issues like the gender and racial wage gap impacting black women, it is important to provide resources that are relevant to us. What better way to do this than to amplify the voices of black women in personal finance education?

Though relevant to all women, these books were written with other black women in mind. They seek to educate and empower each of us so that we can close the financial literacy gap, build generational wealth, and ultimately live the lives that we desire.

So as you look to expand your library of personal finance resources, consider these finance books written by black women. You'll improve your financial literacy, learn some fun facts about money, and walk away feeling financially empowered as a woman after reading them.

13 Books by Black Women in Finance

Here are 13 incredible books by black women to help you manage all aspects of your finances.

Budgeting & Saving

Knowing how to budget and save are the foundations of financial literacy. These books will guide you through budgeting and how to put your money toward things that really matter.

1. The One Week Budget: Learn to Create Your Money Management System in 7 Days or Less! by Tiffany Aliche

The one week budget

Are you new to budgeting? If so, consider The One Week Budget. Written by Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche, this book gives you a simple approach to budgeting and managing your money.

Tiffany’s mission is to take you away from the day-to-day hassle of managing your money. You will learn how to effectively separate and automate your finances to make budgeting easy.

2. The 21-Day Financial Fast: Your Path to Financial Peace and Freedom by Michelle Singletary

The 21 day financial fast

If you struggle with spending, this book is a great choice. The 21-Day Financial Fast teaches you how to break bad spending habits and create a plan for financial freedom. It combines biblical principles of fasting with personal finance education.

During this 3-week financial fast, personal finance expert Michelle Singletary guides you on a path to financial peace and prosperity. Habits are made in 21 days, so this book is sure to transform your finances!

Money Management

If you’re looking for comprehensive guides to money management, consider these books. They’ll provide practical advice for managing your finances.

3. Clever Girl Finance: Ditch debt, save money and build real wealth by Bola Sokunbi

Clever girl finance book

Clever Girl Finance: Ditch Debt, Save Money, Build Real Wealth, is the official Clever Girl’s guide to personal finances! Written by our founder, Bola Sokunbi, this book provides practical guidance for getting out of debt, saving money, and building wealth.

She shares real, relatable stories from other women who have taken control of their finances to inspire you and help you on your journey. You’ll get the tools necessary to create a solid financial plan from budgeting all the way to investing.

4. The Money Manual: A Practical Money Guide to Help You Succeed On Your Financial Journey by Tonya Rapley

The money manual

Written by My Fab Finance founder, Tonya Rapley, The Money Manual covers the gambit of saving, budgeting, credit, and debt. It begins by walking you through a financial assessment, which allows you to see your true financial picture. This assessment is followed by actionable steps to start managing your money better.

Your money lessons won’t stop here, though. This book comes accompanied by a workbook to further solidify the lessons.

5. Real Money Answers for Every Woman: How to Win the Money Game With or Without a Man by Patrice Washington

Real Money Answers for Every Woman

Gleaning from her own experience, America’s Money Maven, Patrice Washington, offers practical advice for responsibly handling your money in her book Real Money Answers for Every Woman. The book shares tips on establishing wealthy habits and achieving financial security with or without a partner.

Patrice leans on her own experience of overcoming $18,000 of debt and excessive spending. She answers the most common questions related to money management while leaving room for you to reflect. You’ll get real, no fluff advice on taking control of your finances with this book.

6. Our Money Stories: A Six Week No B.S. Holistic Financial Wellness Plan by Eugenié George

Our Money Stories A Six Week No B.S. Holistic Financial Wellness Plan

People rarely connect their personal history with their health, wealth, relationships, and career. The book, Our Money Stories, will challenge you to think about how your personal history, ancestry, and environment plays a role in your money habits.  You'll also learn about the historic landscape of laws and policies that have affected Women of Color. It includes 30 interviews from Women of Color who also share their experiences.

7. Dump Debt & Build Bank®: The Everyday Chick’s Guide to Money by Faneisha Alexander

Dump Debt & Build Bank

If you struggle with student loan debt, the Dump Debt & Build Bank® book is a must-have resource. In this relatable and relevant book, I share my own personal experience of paying off over $78,000 in student loan debt in less than three years.

You’ll get my exact steps to getting out of debt, increasing your income, and building generational wealth. This book comes equipped with additional tools and resources that you can access to further your debt payoff and wealth-building journey.

8. Zero Debt: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom (3rd Edition) by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox

Our Money Stories A Six Week No B.S. Holistic Financial Wellness Plan

This book, Zero Debt: The Ultimate Guide to Financial Freedom, is a must-read if you have credit card debt. Author Lynnette Khalfani-Cox pulls from her own personal story of paying off $100,000 in credit card debt in three years to provide practical advice. Written as a 31-day guide, it teaches you how to effectively get and stay out of consumer debt. It also delves into best practices for improving your credit.

9. Choosing to Prosper: Triumphing Over Adversity, Breaking Out of Comfort Zones, Achieving Your Life and Money Dreams by Bola Sokunbi

Choosing to Prosper: Triumphing Over Adversity, Breaking Out of Comfort Zones, and Achieving Dreams, by Bola Sokunbi is one of the most inspiring books you will read. This book discusses the challenges faced by women of color and proven ways to overcome them.

It features hands-on strategies for women to achieve their extraordinary goals and dreams. Grab a copy if you are ready to overcome obstacles, achieve your life’s goals, and live your life on your own terms!

Choosing to prosper book cover 1



Your money should be working for you. Learn how you can start investing with these practical, yet relatable books.

10. Clever Girl Finance: Learn How Investing Works, Grow Your Money by Bola Sokunbi

Clever Girl Finance Investing

You don’t need a finance degree to invest like a pro. In her second book, Learn How Investing Works, Grow Your Money, founder Bola Sokunbi teaches you exactly how to start investing to build wealth.

Written with beginners in mind, the book shares real and relatable stories of women who have mastered investing on their own. You’ll learn what pitfalls to avoid and how to get started investing, even on a modest salary. Bola presents tried and true investing tips that have worked for her and so many others.

11. Girl, Make Your Money Grow! A Sister's Guide to Protecting Your Future and Enriching Your Life by Glinda Bridgforth

Girl make your money grow

Learn how to create new streams of income, invest in real estate, and build an investment portfolio like a pro with this book, Girl Make Your Money Grow!. Co-authored by Gail Perry-Mason, this book will teach you the steps necessary for creating financial security for your future.

You’ll learn how to map out a plan for your retirement and get started with low-risk investments. This book comes equipped with assignments, worksheets, and affirmations. You’ll also read stories of other African American women who’ve successfully mastered investing.

Kids & College

It’s never too soon or too late to start teaching your kids about money. These books cover both ends of the spectrum.

12. Teach Your Child To Fish: Five Money Habits Every Child Should Master by Holly D. Reid

Teach your kid to fish

Holly Reid makes teaching your children about money easier than ever. Teach Your Child to Fish provides a curriculum designed to “homeschool” your children about money.

She shares biblical principles on money management and giving to set your children up for financial success. Your kids will learn how to choose purpose-driven careers, utilize credit responsibly, and to become savvy consumers.

13. Real Money Answers: College Life & Beyond by Patrice Washington

College life and beyond

In this second book of her Real Money Answer series, Patrice Washington offers practical money advice for teens and young adults. This book presents basics personal finance concepts in a straight forward, easy to understand way.

You’ll learn how to budget, build credit, and avoid student loan debt. No matter how little you make, this book will give you the tools to manage it.

Black women books: Final thoughts

As you can see, these books written by black women cover the whole spectrum of personal finances. From budgeting to credit, you can find the resources that you need to become better with your finances within this list.

These books are just a few of the many resources that are available to help you master your money.

Check out these other recommended reads and our free personal finance courses. Also, be sure to check out our list of black women financial experts you should know about!

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