4 Steps For How To Set Mini Goals

Mini goals

Whenever I check off something from my to-do list, I feel a sense of confidence. Getting things done is a big adrenaline rush and makes me feel accomplished, but sometimes when we have bigger goals, they sit on our to-do list and don’t get finished. That’s one reason why using mini goals can help you achieve your dreams.

Instead of just giving attention to the big picture, you break down what you want to accomplish into smaller goals. Doing this can make it easier to reach your goals and tick them off your to-do list!

What are mini goals?

Mini goals are small, short-term goals that are achievable. You’ve most likely created mini goals in the past, like making 10 work calls, or completing a puzzle over a weekend.

Smaller goals can be part of larger goals but broken down, but they don’t have to be. Finishing a small goal is an accomplishment in itself and something to be proud of!

Why you should set smaller goals

Having tiny goals can help set you up for success later on. In fact, some studies show that having a high goal that you don’t complete can have detrimental effects on people's self-esteem and motivation.

Some of the other reasons to create mini-goals include:

Less daunting

Small goals are less daunting than having a massive goal ahead of you. Take a simple goal like getting in shape.

Instead of constantly thinking about how you need to take your health more seriously, focus on smaller tasks like eating vegetables every day or running twice a week.

A mini goal like drinking water every day is much easier to accomplish and ultimately helps you towards your bigger end goal.

Helps you stay motivated

Goal setting has been scientifically proven to restructure your brain and help you achieve your dreams. Mini goals are no different.

But the main benefit of setting a small goal is that you’re more likely to accomplish it. Reaching your goals can be a huge self-esteem booster and help you stay motivated to accomplish even bigger goals later on, especially if you break them into smaller steps.

Minimizes procrastination

Procrastination is the killer of goals and can really affect your achievements. No matter if you have great intentions, if you procrastinate, you’re less likely to accomplish your goals.

If you have a bigger goal, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and procrastinate. But with tiny goals, it’s harder to find an excuse to put off your goals.

Part of that is because tiny goals are generally easy to do daily. If it’s easy to do, you’re more likely to complete it.

How to set mini goals

It’s very easy to set small goals. But the first step is to figure out what goals you want to reach in the first place. You can have bigger goals, but if you do, make sure to break them down into smaller bits.

For example, if you want to write a book, don’t just have one goal of writing a book. Instead have a small goal of creating an outline, another small goal to write for an hour a day, and so on.

1. Write it down

Once you know what smaller goals you want, you should write them down. Writing down your mini goals helps you visualize what you want.

Your goals can be anything you want them to be. Goals are all about making choices. It’s empowering to know that you can choose where you want to go.

Writing your goals down can help you commit to the goals you want to accomplish.

2. Break it up

Small goals can be used to work towards a final goal. It’s important to get as specific as possible.

Honing in on specific goals within a bigger goal can help you map out bigger projects.

For instance, if you want to create a newsletter, a monthly goal can be sending out a newsletter, while a weekly goal could be looking for curated links to send out.

3. Mix it up

As you work towards your goals, don’t forget to have fun! Doing the same thing every day can get boring so mix it up occasionally.

Try to set a wide variety of goals or a goal that is different from your regular goals, like getting out of your comfort zone or making new friends.

And if you find that something isn’t working for you, don’t be afraid to change it. You don’t have to stick to all of your goals. It’s okay to take a break when you need to.

4. Be realistic

Mini goals can help you achieve your dreams, but you don’t want to focus on too many at a time.

While it’s a good idea to break down your bigger goals into tiny goals, try to be realistic about how many you can accomplish. After all, there are only 24 hours in a day, and we all need a decent night of sleep to function.

Instead of focusing on all your goals at once, try to focus on a few every few weeks or even months.

Mini goals you can easily achieve

There are a lot of smaller goals you can make to achieve your dreams. If you’re stuck on which type of goals you should focus on, here are some ideas to get you started:


If you have a bigger goal of getting in shape, then exercising a few times a week could be one smaller goal that can help you achieve your long-term goal.

Start out small by working out two to three times a week and then increase your goal to five times a week or even every day.

Drink more water

As humans, we all need to drink water but sometimes we don’t drink enough. If you’re looking to become healthier, one easy goal is to try to drink eight glasses of water a day.

Apps can help you achieve your goals, or you can color in a droplet in your planner for every glass of water you drink.

Limit social media

Another mini goal idea is to limit social media. I don’t know about you, but I can find myself wasting hours scrolling through TikTok.

As entertaining as it can be, it also makes it harder for me to focus on other things and get a good night's sleep, especially if I have been on social media before bed.

Instead, set specific times during the day when you go on social media and delete your social media apps from your phone or consider a complete social media detox.

Recycle more

With climate change having a large impact on the planet, it’s important that we each do our part. Recycling, upcycling, or purchasing items with less packaging is one way to show the world some love.

Spend time at home cooking more to reduce waste or buy in bulk and put staples like grains and beans in glass jars. Plus being sustainable can help you save more!

Meal prep

Looking for other ways to save money each month? Why not try prepping your meals ahead of time each week?

Meal prepping can help you save money because it’s harder to find an excuse for takeout when you have a delicious meal ready to go in your fridge. Plus it can help you eat healthier.


Volunteering can be a great way to not only feel good but also help others and spread a bit of kindness.

Figure out how much time you’d like to volunteer, whether that’s monthly or weekly, and find a cause you are passionate about. You can help out at a local animal shelter, food bank, or even a Girl Scout troop.

Start a journal

A journal is a very good way to document your life and can also help you sort out your emotions.

Journaling can be very therapeutic and is great to incorporate into your self-care routine. It’s a great way to get your emotions out of your body and onto paper instead.

Set yourself up for success with mini goals!

If setting big goals seems too daunting, or if you find yourself never accomplishing your goals because they are too ambitious and unrealistic, try out mini goals instead.

By setting mini goals for yourself, you can slowly start to build the life you’ve dreamed of.

Smaller goals also allow you to test things out and see if you’re ready to commit to something bigger. As you accomplish your tiny goals, you’ll slowly but surely reach your dreams!

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