14 Free Online Finance Courses

free online finance courses

Money is one of the most important things to learn about because knowing how to make your money work for you through budgeting, saving, and investing is crucial to financial success. So that being said, we wanted to share some of our most popular free online finance courses here at Clever Girl Finance!

Yup, you read that right. In addition to our blogpodcast, and videos, our courses are completely free! We made a conscious decision as a company to make all our courses free to support members of our community.

Why? We feel strongly that financial literacy is something that everyone should have access to, especially when they need it the most. Our mission is to empower women to achieve financial wellness, and our free online finance courses help to do just that.

So, here are 14 of our most popular free finance courses for beginners and beyond!

Top 14 free online finance courses by Clever Girl Finance

Whether you are trying to figure out how to make the right budget, create financial goals, invest, repay debt, or build your credit our free finance courses will help you get there!

1. Build a solid foundation (bundle)

Our "Build a solid foundation" bundle is the starter pack of finance courses for beginners! So if you're looking for a place to begin this is it. Here is what this bundle includes:

Transform your money mindset (Course 1 of 4)

The first step to achieving financial success is transforming your mindset! So in this course, you will learn how to consistently stay on top of your thoughts, especially when it comes to your finances. It will also teach you the importance of gratitude and how to remind yourself to be grateful no matter what.

Organize your finances (Course 2 of 4)

Organization is key when it comes to your finances because it will keep you on top of your money. In this course, you will learn how to organize your finances and also how to calculate your net worth!

Create the right financial goals (Course 3 of 4)

This course will teach you how to set your financial goals based on your core values. It will help you to determine what your core values are so you can align your goals accordingly.

Create a budget that works (Course 4 of 4)

In order to stick to a budget, you need to find the best method for you. This course will teach you the different budgeting methods and how to choose the best one for your financial needs.

2. Create the right financial goals

You've heard the saying before right that a goal without a plan is just a wish? The saying couldn't be any more true for your finances. In "Create the right financial goals," we take a close look at how you can determine what the right financial goals are for yourself.

Everyone's situation is different, and recognizing this right out the gate will help you to take a close look at your personal circumstances closely. It will also help you create goals that will allow you to succeed.

We'll go over questions like; What are your core values? How can you create financial goals? How do you break the cycle of failing to meet your goals? Once you finish this course, you'll be well on your way to seeing those big wins!

This is the perfect place to start as far as finance courses for beginners because it will help you establish your goals right away!

3. Create a budget that works

So you may have tried budgeting before, or you may be a complete newbie. Whatever the case, we're excited you're looking to learn how to create a budget.

Budgeting is a skill that will set you up for financial success because a budget tells your money where to go. In our course "Create a budget that works", we'll show you exactly how to get started and build a unique system that will stick.

Expect to learn game-changing strategies on how to succeed in budgeting. You'll also learn common budgeting methods that are proven to work. By the time you're finished with this, you'll be able to pick one that's best for you. This is one of the best finance courses for beginners that want to get a handle on their finances!

4. Destroy your debt

If you're saddled with debt, don't despair - we've got you. In our "Create your debt repayment strategycourse, we will help you build a solid understanding of key items to consider.

You'll get a good understanding of how interest is calculated on your debt and whether debt consolidation is a good idea based on your unique circumstances. We also go over what bankruptcy really means and the key things you should know about it.

We will teach you what happens when your debt is being handled by a collections agency and what you can do if you find yourself in that situation.

Lastly, you'll learn how to create a solid game plan to pay off your debt once and for all. At the end of the course, you'll leave with actionable steps that will guide you on your journey to being debt-free! This is one of the best free finance courses you can take that will help you tackle your debt quickly.

5. Build good credit

A good credit score can open up doors for you that would otherwise be shut. Landlords, lenders, car dealers, among others all look at your credit score. As a result, it's crucial to work towards building a solid score, and we have just the resource to help you with it.

"Build good credit" teaches you the exact types of accounts that will set you on a path towards a good credit score. You'll also learn the ins and outs of how credit scores work and a step-by-step guide on how to build and improve your credit score.

If you're serious about getting your credit in order, don't delay in signing up for this because having good credit can do wonders for your finances, including save you money!

6. Master your student loans

For all the students, future students, or recent grads out there trying to figure out student loans, we've got you covered. We know and understand that financing your education can feel overwhelming and that is why we put together our 3-course bundle that covers everything you need to know about how your student loans work.

This bundle consists of 3 courses that are broken down as follows:

How your student loans really work (Course 1 of 3)

In this course, we'll take you through the nitty-gritty details of a student loan. We answer questions such as what key terms you should know and how exactly your interest rate works.

We'll examine common payoff options you can take advantage of. You'll also learn how to successfully communicate with your student loan provider.

Master your federal student loans (Course 2 of 3)

In the second course in this bundle, we walk through the different types of federal loans that exist.

You'll learn how the interest rates on a federal loan work and how to determine the best repayment option based on your unique circumstances. You'll also learn how federal student loan forgiveness programs work.

Master your private student loans (Course 3 of 3)

So if you have considered or are considering taking out a private student loan, you will definitely want to check out this course on how to master your private student loans.

In this course, we do a deep dive into how private student loans differ from other types of loans, common terminology you need to know as well as how to track information on your private loan. We also go over how to prioritize paying off your private student loan.

These free online finance courses are created to equip students to make good financial decisions for their education.

7. How investing works (bundle)

It's almost second nature for us to plan for the immediate future; however, if you want to become wealthy, long-term financial planning will be key. Seriously. You'll thank yourself later.

Our course bundle on how to create a plan for your future self goes straight to the heart of investing for the long term. This bundle contains 7 free finance courses that focus on investing for beginners and covers:

How to create a plan for your future self through investing (Course 1 of 7)

In this first course, you'll learn how to create a financial plan for your long-term goals. You'll also learn the core strategies you should have in place in order to build wealth.

Core investing concepts (Course 2 of 7)

Whether you're new to the stock market or a frequent investor, this module will give you solid principles to help you set up a winning investment portfolio. You'll learn about the magical power of compounding, inflation, and how the stock market works.

Preparing to invest and researching your investments (Course 3 of 7)

What makes an investment risky? How do you mitigate risk? How can you research your investments? What about selecting the right investment platform? In this part of the course, you'll learn how to answer these questions. You'll also learn how to carefully weigh risks against your short, medium, and long-term investing objectives.

Stock market investing (Course 4 of 7)

So if you are looking for a primer on stocks and bonds, this is it. This course walks you through the fundamentals of each market and when to use stocks vs. bonds. You'll learn about stocks, funds, and bonds. This course also teaches all about index funds and when to consider bonds in your portfolio.

Investing for retirement (Course 5 of 7)

A key component of financial success is investing for the long term. Retirement planning is important no matter how far along you are in your career. This module will help you understand and pick the retirement investing strategy that is best for you.

Monitoring and managing your investments (Course 6 of 7)

After all your hard work, you'll want to know how your money is doing right? This course will teach you exactly how to monitor the success of your investments as well as when and how to make adjustments if needed.

Creating a 3-fund portfolio (Course 7 of 7)

This course will teach you what the 3-fund portfolio is and how it works. The different ways to structure a 3-fund portfolio and ideas to establish your own!

As you can see, our investing bundle is one of the best finance courses for beginners that want to create a secure future!

8. Increase your income streams

If there's one thing we've all seen at various stages, it's that no stream of income is promised forever. The good news, however, is that no generation before us has had access to wealth-building opportunities as we do today.

In this course, "Creating multiple streams of income", we teach you exactly how to do it.

If you're looking to diversify your income streams to help you exceed your financial goals, then you need to check this course out. We'll give you strategies, ideas, and motivation to get your streams of income growing.

9. Build your business (bundle)

Our 4-course bundle for new business owners is perfect if you're thinking of or just starting out on creating a business. In this course, you'll learn:

Earn more, start a side hustle (Course 1 of 4)

Here at CGF, we love small businesses and want to show you how you can start your own in no time. In this course, you'll learn the fastest way to get up and running with your side hustle.

Manage your business finances the right way (Course 2 of 4)

A key to running a successful business is staying organized financially. This online finance course will teach you exactly that offering you guidance on your financial checklist that will ensure you're well set up and operating soundly.

Success with your business: Mistakes to avoid & tips to succeed (Course 3 of 4)

Building a business requires a lot of hard work and strategic decision-making to ensure you are putting your time and your money to good use. Making even the smallest mistakes in business can cost you big especially if you are figuring out how to grow and become profitable.

So take the pain out of the process by learning from common mistakes made by new business owners. This course will help you fast-track your way to success.

Create a marketable brand strategy to grow your business (Course 4 of 4)

So you've started your business - congrats! Your next step will be to grow it and to do so you'll need a solid brand strategy to get your name out there. Getting a logo and a beautiful website are only a drop in the ocean in growing your brand. This course will show you exactly what it takes to grow big and succeed!109. Buy your first home

Are you looking to buy your first home? If so we've got you covered! Buying your first home is a big feat and you no doubt want to make sure you nail every step of the process.

Our course, "How to buy your first home", walks you through a robust checklist of everything you'll need to qualify for a mortgage, detailed tips on how to save for your down payment, a guide on what to expect post-close and so much more.

If this is your first time buying a house, or if you're looking to get into real estate in general, you won't want to miss this course!

10. Life insurance 101

The goal of our course on life insurance is to take a deep dive into a topic that so many shy away from. Life insurance can make a world of difference in preserving your wealth for future generations.

This course takes a simplified approach in explaining what life insurance is and how it works, how to apply for it, and how to choose the best coverage for you and your loved ones. This is a crucial course to take because life insurance can protect your family financially if something were to happen to you.

11. The savings challenge (bundle)

Our savings challenge bundle is one of the top favorites out of all the free online finance courses we offer. There is nothing as exciting as a good savings challenge.

Having good savings can make a huge difference when dealing with life events such as the arrival of a baby, a sudden misfortune in the family, emergency repairs, and any unplanned circumstances.

In this savings challenge bundle, we'll tackle 6 really fun challenges that will turbocharge your savings goals!

The 26-week savings challenge (Challenge 1 of 6)

$1,378. That's exactly how much you'll have in savings by the end of this 26-week challenge. In this course, we'll walk with you step by step on how to start this challenge. Plus, you have the opportunity to check in weekly to share your progress! And we all know that being held accountable can really help you stick with a challenge long-term!

30 days to master your spending challenge (Challenge 2 of 6)

It's time to break up with that overspending habit! Over the next 30 days, you will commit to spending money on necessities and nothing else. So do you think you can do it? We know you can!

The 30-day meal planning challenge (Challenge 3 of 6)

Meal planning is a ton of fun and it can easily save you thousands. With this challenge, we'll tackle weekday lunch. Every day, millions of people are spending $10 or more takeout lunch which costs a pretty penny. Are you guilty of grabbing lunch on the go too? Work on changing that with this challenge and watch your bank account grow.

The $5 savings challenge (Challenge 4 of 6)

Are you looking for an easy savings challenge that you can do in your sleep? We've got you! With the $5 challenge, all you will do for the next 90 days is save a $5 bill each time you get it. You up for the test?

Create a Clever Girl Fund (Challenge 5 of 6)

Life happens when we least expect it. For instance, health issues, emergency repairs, or even economic meltdowns. So what is the best way to be prepared? Having your own well-funded emergency fund.

In this course, we do a deep dive into key strategies to determine how much you need, where to keep the money you save, how to build saving for it into your budget, and more. This is one of the most important finance courses for beginners because it sets you up for unexpected expenses.

Find extra money (Challenge 6 of 6)

If you give your space a good decluttering session, we're sure you'll uncover some hidden coins. In this challenge, we'll walk you through how to spring clean your entire life and add to your savings!

12. Set your kids up for success

So it's no secret that good financial habits are rarely taught in school. In fact, most people spend decades figuring out their finances by trial and error simply because no one taught them.

If you have kids between the ages of 3 to 18, you'll know that teaching them good money habits will put them way ahead in their financial fortunes. Our course on teaching your children healthy money habits will help you set your kids up to win!

13. How to find a higher paying job

Who doesn't want to find a higher-paying job? Our "How to find a higher-paying job" course will teach you how to harness the power of LinkedIn to find a job you deserve! It features a deep-dive overview of how the LinkedIn platform works including how keywords and the LinkedIn algorithm play a major part.

You'll also learn how to effectively use LinkedIn for your job search. Plus how to become an attractive candidate for hiring managers and recruiters on LinkedIn. This is one of the most valuable free finance courses you can take for your future self!

14. Plan your wedding on a budget

Weddings are super expensive but that doesn't mean you can't have the wedding of your dreams on a budget! Our "Plan your wedding" course will help you prepare for wedding costs and teach you how to create a realistic wedding budget.

You will also learn how to save on your wedding dress, reception costs, vendors, and more. Plus, it includes tips and tricks to stay on top of your financial goals while planning an amazing wedding!

Start these free online finance courses to take a step towards financial success!

No matter where you are financially these free online finance courses can help you achieve financial success. Take action now so you can work towards saving money and building wealth!

So which one of these free online finance courses will you be taking first? Also, be sure to spread the word to your best girls, family, and colleagues!

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