Kate Underwood
Clever Girl Finance Writer

About Kate Underwood
- Writer for Clever Girl Finance on a wide range of financial topics including budgeting, saving, and mindset
- BA in English and Secondary Education from Wheaton College
- MA in Educational Administration from Aurora University
Kate taught high school English and French for fifteen years before getting hooked on personal finance and altering her money mindset. She now enjoys freelance writing primarily in the personal finance arena to help guide and empower others to make the best possible financial decisions.
Over the past few years, she has written about financial issues like saving for retirement, budgeting, paying off debt, and building good money habits. She’s also written informative articles on cryptocurrency and alternative investments.
Kate’s writing has been featured in online publications including Business Insider, Investor Junkie, Market Realist, and Money Crashers. She lives in a gorgeous part of Kentucky where she gets outside for kayaking and hiking whenever possible.
Personal achievements
- Left a teaching career to pursue more freedom through freelancing
- Living debt-free other than her mortgage
Reader favorites on Clever Girl Finance
- Finding Strength to Work Through Financial Challenges
- What Is The 70-20-10 Budget?
- Make A Weekly Savings Plan (Or Bi-weekly Savings Plan) That Works!
- 6 Steps For Getting Clarity To Achieve Your Life’s Goals!
Connect with Kate
About Clever Girl Finance
Clever Girl Finance® is a mission-driven company aimed at providing women with much-needed financial guidance and support to build financial confidence and make smart money decisions in their day-to-day lives.
We do this through our completely free resources including personal finance courses, one-on-one mentor calls, articles, audio, and video content, an incredibly supportive community, and more.
Through our approach, we support our community in a fun, engaging, relatable, and non-judgmental way. Our team is dedicated to helping women to become accountable, ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth.

Also featured in Forbes, The New York Times, Business Insider, Fortune, and more.