Angelito Jusay


Angelito Jusay

About Angelito "Angel" Jusay

  • Videographer for Clever Girl Finance Youtube channel
  • Photographer with over a decade of experience
  • Fun fact: Addicted to coffee and cycling


Angel is a director of photography and tech tinkerer who engages with the details of every project. Having photographed and filmed clients around the globe, including various Fortune 500 companies and nonprofits, he’s constantly adapting to the film industry’s changing trends. Previous clients include Microsoft, Citi Group, Brookfield, Boston Consulting Group, United Nations, and many more.

Born in the Philippines, Angel lived in Japan and New York City during his formative years. He is a graduate of Binghamton University where he received a BS in Business Administration with a concentration in Finance.

Personal achievements

  • Photographed over 300 weddings
  • Saved $50k in 2022
  • Completed a 200km bike ride

Clever Girl Finance video favorites

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About Clever Girl Finance

Clever Girl Finance® is a mission-driven company aimed at providing women with much-needed financial guidance and support to build financial confidence and make smart money decisions in their day-to-day lives.

We do this through our completely free resources including personal finance courses, one-on-one mentor calls, articles, audio, and video content, an incredibly supportive community, and more.

Through our approach, we support our community in a fun, engaging, relatable, and non-judgmental way. Our team is dedicated to helping women to become accountable, ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth.

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Also featured in Forbes, The New York Times, Business Insider, Fortune, and more.

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