Anita Wikina

Clever Girl Community Mentor

Anita Wikina

About Anita Wikina

Anita is a Clever Girl Finance Mentor, helping members of the community thrive on the platform as they pursue financial wellness. Anita is a day-one Clever Girl Finance member.

Using the Clever Girl Finance articles and courses, Anita was able to start over, become debt-free and build a life focused on financial wellness. Today she helps other women do the same. Anita enjoys podcasting and sharing her stories of motherhood.

Clever Girl Superpower

  • Paying off debt and zero-based budgeting!

Connect with Anita

About Clever Girl Finance

Clever Girl Finance® is a mission-driven company aimed at providing women with much-needed financial guidance and support to build financial confidence and make smart money decisions in their day-to-day lives.

We do this through our completely free resources including personal finance courses, one-on-one mentor calls, articles, audio, and video content, an incredibly supportive community, and more.

Through our approach, we support our community in a fun, engaging, relatable, and non-judgmental way. Our team is dedicated to helping women to become accountable, ditch debt, save money, and build real wealth.

Learn more about us.

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Also featured in Forbes, The New York Times, Business Insider, Fortune, and more.

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