17 Zoom Interview Tips To Help You Secure The Job!

Zoom interview tips

Looking for Zoom interview tips? Everyone wants to do their best when trying to get a new job, so keep reading for ideas!

If you recently got an invitation for a job interview, there's a chance that it won’t be in person. Interviews are one of the many things that companies may conduct virtually.

Although in-person interviews aren’t quite a thing of the past, Zoom meetings as virtual interviews are very popular. The video aspect of these interviews provides a great alternative to meeting in person.

No matter how familiar you are with virtual communication, you will still need to be prepared.

In this article, I’ll share the best tips for Zoom interview success. You’ll learn exactly what to do before, during, and after your call to help you succeed!

Zoom interview tips for before the interview

There is a lot of work that goes into preparing for an interview - way more than just adding it to your calendar. When you are interviewing virtually, there will be a few more steps added to this preparation.

But if you follow these best practices for Zoom interviews, you'll be ahead of the game.

To ensure that everything goes smoothly, you will need to prepare your tech, interview space, and attire in addition to practicing questions.

Here's a list of what you should do before the interview.

1. Research the company

The first step in preparing for any interview is to research the company.

Ideally, you'd have already done this before applying for the job. However, if you didn’t, set aside time to review the company’s website to learn more about its products/services, values, and culture before the call.

Researching the company that you’re interviewing with is important to ensure that you are a fit. It also helps you develop questions to ask during the interview.

2. Prepare to answer and ask questions

Being prepared for some questions is one of the best Zoom interview tips.

Some of the most important parts of interviewing are being able to ask and answer questions clearly.

You want to be able to communicate your experience and how it applies to the role that you’re interviewing for, as well as get insight from others.

Questions for you

Employers typically ask behavioral interview questions to get insight into your prior experiences.

Your past experiences and how you were able to deal with challenges help predict your future behavior. It's how an employer determines if you’re cut out for the job.

Knowing how to effectively answer behavioral questions takes practice. So before your interview, take some time to study common behavioral interview questions.

Review your resume to come up with examples to support answers to each question. The STAR method is a great guideline to frame the answers.

Once you’ve drafted answers to the common interview questions, practice answering them aloud in the mirror or with a partner.

Remember that your resume will be the foundation for the questions that are asked, so be prepared to explain any job gaps on your resume.

Questions for your interviewer

An interview is not just for the employer to learn more about you, but it is also an opportunity for you to interview them. You want to know if they are a good fit for your career and interests.

Asking questions not only makes you look prepared, but it will give you more information to make an informed decision.

Before your interview, make a list of questions to ask the interviewer(s).

These questions can pertain to the job that you are interviewing for, the company as a whole, and even their personal experience as an employee.

If you’re not sure what to ask and need inspiration, consider these unique interview questions to ask employers.

The one question to always ask in an interview is, “What are the next steps?” It's one of the best tips for interviewing on Zoom because neglecting to find out what happens next can make things challenging later. You can find yourself wondering if you got the job or if you should follow up.

3. Plan and prepare your attire

Planning your interview outfit is the next critical step in preparing for your Zoom interview.

Although you won’t be in person, traditional interview attire still applies. You want to look professional and polished.

When deciding what to wear, keep in mind that certain colors and patterns do not show well on camera. You will want to avoid busy patterns and loud jewelry. Wearing solid colors is a safer bet.

Be sure to try on your complete outfit and test it out on camera beforehand to ensure that everything comes off well on video and also fits properly.

Schedule time to dry clean or wash and iron your clothes a few days before your interview. It's a smart idea to wear business attire and make sure you feel confident in the outfit you choose.

Don’t forget about your hair!

You want to look and feel confident and comfortable during your interview, so avoid making any drastic changes to your hair beforehand.

Have a plan for how your hair will be done and prepare in advance. It's one of the easy-to-overlook Zoom interview tips, but it's important for your overall look.

4. Test your tech in advance

There’s nothing worse than having technical difficulties or glitches during an important call. That’s why it is crucial to get familiar with the tech process beforehand, as one of the best practices for Zoom interviews.

To begin, download the app to your phone or desktop ahead of time. If you’ve never used Zoom before, familiarize yourself with the quick start-up guide for new users. Make sure you have the meeting link as well so you can join the interview on the day.

When setting up your Zoom account, upload a professional-looking headshot and add your full name to your profile. Both will appear when you join the call for your interview, and you want to lead with a good impression.

Once you have downloaded the Zoom app, take a moment to start your own private meeting to get familiar with the interface and features.

It's also a great opportunity to practice speaking to the camera. Remember, you will want to look into the camera lens while talking, and not the screen. That way, you'll make eye contact with the interviewers.

Zoom interview tips to complete immediately before the interview

On the day of your interview, right before you begin, there are a few things you should check on. That way, you'll be totally ready with no distractions or surprises.

5. Make sure the internet works

Obviously, one of the best tips for Zoom interview success - ensure that you have a stable internet connection.

Use an ethernet cable if necessary. Consider having a different device you can use, like a phone or laptop, if something goes wrong with your original plan.

6. Test out your sound

Use headphones to hear clearly and to block outside noise. Make sure your audio settings are correct, and you test your sound before the interview starts.

7. Minimize phone interruptions

This is one of the tips for interviewing on Zoom or in person. Turn off notifications and put your phone on do not disturb/silent mode. You don't want an interruption while you're discussing the job.

8. Set up devices properly

If you are using a phone, prop your phone up at eye level so that you are clearly seen. Use a phone stand if you have one.

9. Prepare your space and minimize distractions

As far as tips for interviewing on Zoom go, this is one of the most important because it leaves an impression. Before your interview, identify where you will take the Zoom call.

The ideal location is one that is quiet, has good natural lighting free of shadows, and has a clean space that you can use for your background without clutter.

It's also a good idea to let your roommates or family know that you'll be doing a video interview and share the time. That way, they can help by being quiet or even being out of the house if that's easier.

Prior to getting on video, do some last-minute tidying of the area that will be within the video frame. When in doubt, a blank wall can work well as a professional background.

You may consider using a virtual background if you want to conceal areas of the room you’re in. If you choose to do so, make sure that you are using a professional background and have tested it out beforehand.

Zoom interview tips during the interview

At this point, you’ve done everything to prepare for the interview. Now, it’s time to put your best foot forward using the tips for Zoom interview success.

While on the call, you’ll want to be aware of how you are engaging with your interviewer. Here are some tips to help you.

10. Be mindful of your facial expressions & body language

Don’t forget that you are still on camera and can be seen. Be mindful of your facial expressions and make sure your body language shows that you’re alert, engaged, and professional.

11. Communicate well

One of the best Zoom job interview tips is to speak in a clear and slow voice. You’ve practiced your interview questions and have them nailed, so make sure that your answers are actually heard.

Speak without mumbling and not too quickly so that you can effectively communicate all of your great accomplishments to your interviewer.

12. Be confident

Confidence, or lack thereof, can be spotted a mile away. Show confidence by being sure of your answers, sitting straight with good posture, and looking directly into the camera.

13. Listen before you answer

Although you may have an idea of what questions to expect, listen carefully to what is being asked. Also, don’t be afraid to ask for further clarification or for them to repeat themselves.

14. Be positive and engaging

Now is not the time to speak negatively about your former employer. Instead, remain positive about your experiences and provide engaging dialogue.

Zoom interview tips for what to do after your interview

As your interview comes to an end, don’t forget these last Zoom job interview tips!

15. Ask questions about the job and company

Before the call ends, you will likely be extended the opportunity to ask questions. At this point, you will inquire about the things that you prepared in advance to ask.

16. Be polite

After you’ve done so, thank the interviewer for their time and, of course, confirm what the next steps will be.

Once you hang up, pause for a few seconds to ensure that you have fully left the call and that your microphone and camera are off.

17. Say thanks

Although this is the last point, this is one of the most important zoon job interview tips. The final step in your interview process is to send a follow-up email to say thank you.

The purpose is to further communicate your interest in the position and set yourself apart from other candidates.

You can view these examples of thank you notes to jog your creativity.

Final thoughts on Zoom interview tips

With online interviews becoming more of the norm, it’s important to know exactly what to do to prepare by using the best practices for Zoom interviews.

Once you’ve landed the job, don’t forget to check out these career strategies that can make a huge difference at work.

Also, find out how to network virtually to help you meet people in your career field.

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