How content integrity is managed: Content presented at is original content developed by HealthyWomen unless otherwise specified. Experienced medical journalists, health editors and health industry specialists comprise HealthyWomen's editorial staff. They contribute to content development at and their work is managed by HealthyWomen's Editorial and Web directors.

How content is chosen: Health and wellness topics at are generally selected for inclusion on the website because of their importance to women's health, wellness and/or to women's lifestyle considerations. Ideas for topics are generated by HealthyWomen's editorial staff, medical experts associated with HealthyWomen and consumers. Content decisions also are driven by guidelines established by leading health and wellness organizations and the federal government.

How content is developed: The HealthyWomen editorial staff carefully researches each topic to determine the most appropriate and timely information to present to the consumer. Research includes consulting primary and secondary sources, where appropriate, and may include consultation and interviews with medical and wellness experts. Sources consulted for content background are associated with respected academic institutions and/or respected professional associations. Throughout the editorial process, HealthyWomen retains editorial control of all content where review by third party sources is involved.

How editorial independence and relationships with third parties are managed: In the event that HealthyWomen works with a third party that is funding some or all of a health education campaign and its associated content, HealthyWomen exercises editorial oversight throughout project development to ensure editorial independence. Information about treatment options and wellness recommendations are written and published by HealthyWomen's editorial staff, not third parties; branding is permitted but must include mention of all competitors in the market. Careful scrutiny of all content, as well as review by independent experts, ensure that content remains accurate and objective.

How content is reviewed for accuracy: HealthyWomen's VP of Education and/or Editorial Director ensure that content is accurate, current, comprehensive, easy to read and appropriate for's audiences. If appropriate, the content is submitted for review for medical accuracy by one or more medical experts, who may be members of HealthyWomen's Women's Health Advisory Council, or to other individuals who are recognized leaders in their medical or professional specialties. Information is posted at when content has been medically approved by these experts and/or by HealthyWomen's editorial staff. Reviewers of articles, expert Q&As and medical content are identified within the content.

How potential conflicts of interest are assessed and resolved: HealthyWomen requires its writers, editors and medical experts to reveal potential conflicts of interest with regard to development and/or medical review of content prior to working with the organization. Conflicts of interest may be financial relationships, affiliations with groups or organizations or personal actions. Relationships with medical reviewers, writers and editors are continued or terminated at the discretion of HealthyWomen's executive director and editorial director. The goal of our policy is to provide consumers with health information that is balanced and free of bias.

How content is sourced: To ensure that the information developed by HealthyWomen is timely and accurate, sources consulted by editorial staff are generally peer-reviewed reputable medical journals; publications and/or web sites of leading consumer health advocacy organizations, federal agencies, and academic institutions; or books published by respected medical experts and/or academic medical centers. References are available upon request for most types of content by contacting HealthyWomen at

How treatment options, procedures, devices and products are explained: Treatment options, procedures, devices and products presented within the content at are meant for information purposes only and not as a substitute for medical advice. Efforts are made to present to the reader all generally accepted treatment options available or appropriate for consideration by the reader. Brand names in some cases will be presented to make treatment options easily recognizable for the consumer. HealthyWomen does not endorse or promote any product, device, or medication that may appear within any discussion of treatment options. Consumers are encouraged to pursue additional information about claims relating to the benefits or performance of specific medical treatment options presented within HealthyWomen content at appropriate reputable sites, such as the Food & Drug Administration. Links to these sites are provided, as appropriate and possible, as a service to the reader.

How often content is updated: Content at is updated regularly. In the Disease and Conditions section, a "Last Date Updated" date appears at the bottom of each page. This content may be modified at any time as developments in women's health guidelines change; generally it is medically updated within one year. Content may also display a "Last Date Updated" stamp.

How often the Editorial Policy is updated: reserves the right to update the Editorial Policy at any time. It will post revisions at the site.

Questions regarding the Editorial Policy can be directed by email to

Last revision date: June 12, 2018

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