Alex Fulton
Alex Fulton has been working in the wellness field for more than 20 years. She has written extensively about integrative medicine, herbalism, supplements and other topics related to holistic health. Alex also focuses on issues related to women's health, from menstruation to menopause. She has collaborated with physicians, midwives and functional medicine practitioners to promote natural approaches to health care for women. She has a BA in English from the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
En qué forma el ojo seco afecta tu vida
Cuando tienes ojo seco, muchas áreas de tu vida pueden resultar afectadas
How Are Biosimilars Made?
Biosimilars are a safe, effective and affordable alternative to biologic drugs. Find out how they’re made.
¿Cómo se preparan biosimilares?
Los biosimilares son alternativas seguras, efectivas y asequibles que pueden reemplazar a medicamentos biológicos. Descubre cómo se preparan.